Child Maltreatment Fatality
Male Victims of Partner Violence, Help-seeking, and Children
Douglas, E. M., Hines, D. A., Dixon, L., Celi, E. M., & Lysova, A. V. (2018). Using technology to conduct focus groups with a hard-to-reach population: A methodological approach concerning male victims of partner abuse in four English-speaking countries. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, "Online First"(In Press). doi: 10.1177/0886260518799459
Douglas, E. M., & Hines, D. A. (2016). Children whose fathers seek help for partner violence victimization: Descriptive characteristics and their behavioral health as compared to a population-based sample. Violence and Victims, 31(2), 251-273. doi: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-14-00115
Douglas, E.M. & McCarthy, S.C. (2011). Child maltreatment fatalities: Predictors of rates and the efficacy of child welfare policy. Journal of Policy Practice 10(2), 128-143.
Hines, D.A. & Douglas, E.M. (2011). Understanding the use of violence among men who sustain intimate terrorism. Partner Abuse, 2(3), 259-283.
Corporal Punishment
Partner Violence, General
Straus, M. A., & Douglas, E. M. (2017). Eight new developments, uses, and clarifications of the Conflict Tactics Scales. Journal of Family Issues, 38(14), 1953-1973. doi: 10.1177/0192513X17729720
Lysova, A. & Douglas, E.M. (2008). Violence against dating partners by male and female Russian university students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 3 (11).
Divorced/Disrupted Families